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Help Center / Not receiving a specific email

By default, all incoming email is delivered either to your Inbox (if not Spam) or your Junk E-Mail folder (if it has failed multiple anti-Spam tests). If you are using POP3 to retrieve your email, then you are only downloading the contents of your Inbox and not your Junk E-Mail folder (IMAP clients will download your Junk E-Mail Folder if you tell it to). Your Junk E-Mail folder in your web-based mail ( should be the first place to look for a missing email. If it is indeed located here then selecting the email and choosing ACTIONS > MARK > NOT SPAM will automatically add the sender to your Trusted Senders list and move the email to your Inbox. Any future emails from this sender will go directly to your Inbox.

If the missing message is not in your Junk E-Mail folder, then it is almost certainly a problem on the Sender’s end, either with their email client or their Outgoing Mail Server. Just to be certain that it is on their end you can try adding the sender manually to your Trusted Senders list by following the below instructions:

  1. From your web-based mail go to SETTINGS > TRUSTED SENDERS and clicking the [NEW] button at the top of the right-hand pane.
  2. Enter the sender’s email or domain (one per line) into the Trusted Sender window.
  3. Click on the [SAVE] button.

If you still do not receive email from them after they attempt to resend, then the sender may want to contact their Mail Service Provider for assistance troubleshooting why their email is not being sent.

Upon request at we can review the Mail Server logs to determine if a sender’s Outgoing Mail Server is even attempting delivery. In order to do such we would need to know the following information:

  • Sender’s email address (who is sending the email)
  • Recipient’s email address (who it was sent to)
  • Date (when it was sent)

Posted in: Email

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