Incoming Mail Delay (Resolved)
Update: This issue has been resolved as of 10:30 am PST.
Some inbound email for Scarab Media, Ashland Home Net, Open Door Networks, and Project A Inc. customers are currently experiencing a delivery delay. This slow down began approximately 6:00 pm PST on Tuesday evening and continues through this morning. The problem appears to be due to unusually heavy mail load and congestion on one of our Incoming Gateway Mail Servers and primarily affects Open Door Network customers the most. All secondary and tertiary Incoming Gateways for Scarab Media and Ashland Home Net customers remain unaffected and are continuing to deliver email without delay.
Our technicians are working to remedy the situation as quickly as possible and the problem should be resolved shortly.
This issue does not affect outbound email (SMTP) or POP/IMAP/ActiveSync retrieval of email or the use of webmail. All those services remain entirely unaffected for all customers.