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Help Center / Setup Opera Mail (Windows or OS X) for POP or IMAP

To add your email account to Opera Mail follow the instructions below.

  1. If you already using Opera Mail for other accounts go to OPERA MAIL > MAIL ACCOUNTS and click on the [ADD] button to launch the New Accounts Wizard. If this is a new install of Opera Mail you will be automatically greeted with the New Accounts Wizard upon launch.
  2. Select “Email” and click on [NEXT>].


  3. Enter your Name and your Email Address (Organization is optional) and click on [NEXT>].


  4. Enter your full email address in the Login Name field and enter your Password. Then select what type of account you want to use (POP or IMAP). POP is recommended if this is the only device accessing this account. If you are using multiple computers, or a tablet or smartphone to also access this email account you may prefer to select IMAP.


  5. The New Account Wizard will attempt to guess your Incoming & Outgoing Server settings (and will probably be incorrect). Enter the following information:

    Incoming Server:
    Use Secure Connection (TLS): Yes
    Outgoing Server:
    Use Secure Connection (TLS): Yes


  6. Click on the [FINISH] button to complete. Your Opera Mail should now be retrieving (or synchronizing if you chose IMAP) your emails from your account.

Posted in: Email, Setting Up Email Client

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