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Help Center / Setup Android for IMAP

To add your email account to Android as an IMAP account, follow the instructions below:


1. From your Android “Home” screen go to SETTINGS (or APPS > SETTINGS).

2. Scroll down to the ACCOUNTS section and click on + ADD ACCOUNT.


3. From the Add an Account screen click on the EMAIL icon.


4. Enter your email address and password. If you prefer you can set “Send email from this account by default“. Click on the [MANUAL SETUP] button.


5. When prompted for what type of account, select IMAP ACCOUNT.


6. For your Incoming Server settings, enter the following:

User Name: Your full email address
Password: Your password (it should be already filled in from Step 4)
IMAP Server:
Security Type: TLS
Port: 143

7. Click on the [NEXT] button. It will verify your settings. (If you entered any of the above incorrectly it will give you an option to edit them again after the verification fails.)



8. For Outgoing Server Settings enter the following:

SMTP Server:
Security Type: TLS
Port: 587
Require Sign-In: Yes
User Name: Your full email address
Password: Your password (it should be already filled in from Step 4)

9. Click on the [NEXT] button. It will verify your settings. (If you entered any of the above incorrectly it will give you an option to edit them again after the verification fails.)

10. You will then be brought to an Account Options screen. You can set these according to your personal preferences and click the [NEXT] button when complete.

11. On the Set up email screen you can give your account a user-friendly name (it will default to your email address entered on Step 3), and a display name (This is how the FROM: field of emails will appear to recipients of your email. It is suggested to use your Full Name or just re-enter your email address.) and click on the [DONE] button.

Posted in: Email, Setting Up Email Client

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