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Help Center / Not receiving Yahoo!, UPS, or Facebook emails

If you are using Email Forwarding to automatically route incoming email to your domain email address to an external mail service such as GMail,, or your ISP, you may not be receiving email from some domains, the most common of which are Yahoo! UPS, or Facebook. This is due to DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) Policies that those companies have enacted that tells mail servers to automatically reject or delete any email addressed from them that are not sent directly from them. When email is received from these addresses and then forwarded to another address it is no longer direct from that source, so the receiving mail server automatically rejects of deletes that email.

There is nothing that we can do about this as this is an internal policy enacted by these companies.

The solution to this is not to use Email Forwarding or Email Aliases. Most mail services, such as GMail and, allow for Remote POP3 Retrieval.  To disable your Email Forwarding or Email Aliases from your domain so that you can use POP3 to retrieve emails sent to that address, login to your web-based mail at and use the following instructions:

To remove Email Forwarding on an Email Account

  1. From your web-based mail, go to SETTINGS > ACCOUNT SETTINGS  and click on the “Forwarding” tab  in the right-hand pane.
  2. Remove the address listed in the Forwarding Address field.
  3. Click on the [SAVE] button.

To remove Email Forwarding on an Email Alias

  1. From your web-based mail, go to SETTINGS > DOMAIN SETTINGS  >  ALIASES.
  2. Select the Email Alias that is forwarding to an external email address and click on the [DELETE] button.
  3. Go to SETTINGS > DOMAIN SETTINGS > USERS and click on the [NEW] button at the top of the right-hand pane.
  4. Enter the name of the alias previously used in the “Username” field and enter and confirm a Password, and click on the [SAVE] button.

(Note, these steps can only be done from the Administrator Account for your domain. If you do not have Administrator privileges, please contact us at for assistance.)

Once your email is no longer being forwarded you can login to your external email account at your other Mail Provider and setup Remote POP3 Retrieval.

In all cases the settings you will need are below:

POP3 Server:
Port:110 (for POP3) or 143 (for IMAP)
Use TLS: Yes
Username: Your full email address (i.e.,
Password: The password for your account.

Posted in: Email

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